Foto Friday: The Aftermath

“All good things must come to an end.” That’s pretty profound, but there clearly are better things to do after a great trip like that!
I’d rather be ANYWHERE but here!

At least I smell good…..

9 thoughts on “Foto Friday: The Aftermath

  1. Oh boy – sorry we stopped by here today… I think Mama has that in mind fur both of us this weekend – we’re pretty muddy-dirty girls! Thanks for your kind thoughts about Ozzie – hope you have a good weekend!
    Hugs xoxoxo
    Sammie and Avalon and Oz


  2. I knowed it, I knowed it, I knowed it! Did I not menshun the BAF werf afore? I just knowed all that mud romping be too good to be true without consequences. Poor you. And I bet you smell like flowahs or something stinky now, rite? PHEW!


  3. Pingback: Muddy Monday | The (mis)Adventures of Sage

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