
Even though it’s been cold and rainy and icky outside, I managed to find some mudless things to do recently. Yes, it does happen, much to my dismay ๐Ÿ˜ฆ . You know I’ve thought about applying for a job as a therapy dog, don’t you? Mom thought I should do a little pre-training. I’m all for that! You know us herding dogs need a job.

Mom’s friend had another knee replaced and I got to go see her again. Three times! We had to get in this box that moved. It was a little weird feeling, but I knew just what to do. (I think you humans call it a “piece of cake” except I didn’t get any cake. Not sure what happened there.)

Is this our floor?

When the door opened, I met lots of humans who petted me and then I saw my friend! She told me I could get up on her bed for some snuggles…I was really careful not to step on her knee.

There’s another hurdle I had to jump over…sorta like the jumps I do in agility…and that happened this weekend. I was snoozin’ on the couch when I heard something at the door. I love it when someone comes to visit, but this was really exciting! It was my hu-bro (who has a big birthday today), my hu-sis and her family. Remember I told you that Mom went away a couple of times because this little baby was born?

ย Well, here she is. In my house! Little Poppy, who is 5 1/2 months old now. Did you know little babies wear these things they called diapers? And they’re taken off and new ones put on…all the time. Not me! No sirree. I don’t think I’d like one of those things stuck on me…give me the good ol’ outdoors any time!

I was very curious about this little hu-baby. And she was curious about Toby and me. I liked it when she gave me a pet on my nose, so I gave her a kiss. Mom wouldn’t let me get too close…she said my feet could scratch Poppy. Having visitors is fun, especially when little Poppy comes! And Mom said I was a really good girl. I like it when she says that because I get some treats.

So, I jumped over two big hurdles this week and didn’t knock the bar off (that’s agility-speak, in case you don’t know). Then I read about Snoopy and what happened during his therapy dog assessment. They threw a C A T in the room. He passed, but I have some work to do. Getting past those darn C A Ts will be a tough hurdle…

17 thoughts on “Hurdles

  1. Sage, we love that picture of you on the couch looking at Poppy. You look like you’re ready to herd her in case she should try to get down!! Happy Birthday to your hu-bro! Enjoy the time with your family – more therapy dog practice – and we hope you get into some mud soon!!

    -Bart and Ruby


  2. Oh Sage, you have such a beautiful Hu-baby. Poppy is just a gorgeous little doll baby. You are a good girl Sage to stay a safe distance, you would never hurt her on purpose, but sometimes accidents can happen. Take care and see you soon.


  3. Dear Sage,

    How did you get clean enough to jump up on a bed? You must have scrubbed for ages! You were very good with that sore knee. I would never have made it. I’m too clumsy.

    That second picture of Poppy is the best! What a cutey face. I would’ve kissed it too.

    Have a great week. Your friend, Georgia x


  4. Wow, you had a lot of fun, Sage. Little Poppy is just adorable – look at those big beautiful eyes!!! Those little ones are a lot of fun to have around too – they drop crumbs on the floor for you:)

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning


  5. They throw a kitteh in the room fur therapy dog testing now? OMD! I mean I would has been OK with that but wot will they do next? Throw a skwerrel in the room? We would all flunk fur sure! Your little two-legger be furry cute and I think you make a nice Auntie Sage. Do not unnerestimate those poopy diapers. Just sayin.


  6. Hi Sage! You have really been so good girl! You look so sweet and caring with the little, cute Poppy! How great you finally met her – you will be so good friends!
    I am so proud of you with your special work!
    Enjoy your week! xxx Teje & Nero


  7. Sage is SUCH a great writer…enjoyed this so much and loved the photo of him of being so good on the couch with the baby…looks so attentive!
    Hope we see you soon again at the dog park!


  8. Hey Sage,

    You’re such a great Therapy Dog buddy!! Isn’t it fun to make people smile! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the mention – you’re so sweet!

    I think I was unclear about ‘The Cat’ thing – they threw the Cat in to see if we’d be good in a Therapy Team that includes Cats, that’s because our organisation allows all kinds of pets – I don’t think most of them work the same – and even if I had a problem with the Cat, but passed the rest I would just have had to work with ‘Non-Cat’ groupsโ€ฆ. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your pal Shwanee made me realise that technically I guess there could be a Squirrel on one of the teams!! Assuming someone had one as a pet – now I know there’s no way I could have a hope of ignoring a Squirrel – it just wouldn’t happen!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have fun buddy,

    Your pal Snoopy ๐Ÿ™‚


  9. This is a wonderful post about a wonderful day! Than you for sharing all this joy and happiness with us. You are a good sweetie Sage.. so careful with the baby and around the knee! Great job!

    God Bless You!

    The collies and chuck ๐Ÿ™‚


  10. Wow, she is an adorable hu-baby and you are so absolutely sweet with her! It’s so nice that you made your mom’s friend feel better – you are going to be a GREAT therapy dog!


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