It all began last night when Mom said a surprise was in store for the morning. I saw her put the treat bag and water bottle on the table, so I knew it was going to be F..U..N!! So, at 5:45 am this morning, I jumped on the bed and immediately licked Mom in the eyes.

Me: MOM! Open those eyes. It’s time to get going.

Mom: Sage… do you know what time it is?

Me: Um, yes. The sun is up and I’m ready! Do you need more kisses?

We met my furiends Macy, Toby and Heidi at 7am and off we went to my favorite place in the world–1000 Acres. We always go through the meadows first so I can get some good running in. Or would you call it “sproinging”? Here’s a little of what I do:

After the meadow, off we went down a path–over towards those trees.

Down the path

Down the path

The grass was getting higher and higher

Even the slugs were HUGE!

Giant Slug---ICK

Giant Slug—ICK

I ended up covered in grass seed

Me--covered in grass seed

Me–covered in grass seed

Mom said I had enough seed in my furs to plant a field! And no mud-puddles to be found, but I did sneak down into the Columbia and got washed off. Not to Mom’s standards, but what does she know?

A nice snooze in my condo is just the ticket to get me all refreshed for the next adventure. When are we going, Mom???Zzzzzz Hope your weekend goes as well as mine has!

37 thoughts on “SPROING

  1. What a fun day, Sage. I love your “sproinging”, it really made me laugh! (good soundtrack choice too). Glad you at least got a swim in, since there wasn’t any mud!


  2. Oh my dear friend Sage, how I miss you! Your adventure sounds fabulous and your pictures too adorable. It is good to see you are happy and healthy. Your video made my whole week. 🙂 I was laughing right out loud – what a little cutie pie you are.


  3. Wow, Sage,,,it looks like you had a blast. Ya know,,,sproinging is pretty cool,,but you could also say that you were out there dancing,,,,”Sagenam Style”. You’re not only a good-looking boy,,,you’re also really light on your paws.


  4. That looks like a fun day. I think the sproinging is pretty similar to what the coyotes do when hunting small rodents in the fields.


  5. OMD Sage! You are so adorable! I just about died laughing when I saw the video. You look just like a fox about to pounce on a rodent. That was so much fun!
    You even sleep like a fox. You mom must adore you very much. I know I would. 🙂


  6. Sage we’ve watched you sproinging about 87 times now and it never gets old…That sproing is the leap of the happiest dog ever…I get covered in those grass seeds too and then I have to get combed, but it’s worth it to have that much fun!


  7. My mommy laughed and laughed when she watched your video, then she stopped laughing when she saw that giant slug (ick indeed), and then she smiled and looked very happy when she saw you resting in your condo. What a very fun day you had!


  8. Pingback: Play Fun! | The (mis)Adventures of Sage

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