A Lost Adventure

I always love an adventure so when Mom said we were going to Lacamas State Park with Mr. N., I was thrilled. There was a lake, waterfalls and lots of native Camas Lilies. Mom & I set out with Googled directions in hand and headed north to Camas, WA. (PeeEss: the town was named for the lily, not visa versa)

Sage: These are really pretty houses and I see the lake! Are we there?

Mom: Uh, no, Sage. Something’s not right. 

 We went around and around the streets with no way to get to the lake. Finally Mom pulled out her trusty phone (I’m glad it was smart! 🙂 ) We finally reached a parking lot and met Mr. N. Down a path we went, but, again, something wasn’t right. We popped into a nearby building; got directions and headed off to find the lilies. Camas LilyBut first a trip around the lake. Mom told me it was formed, along with the Columbia Gorge, during the Missoula Floods. I guess that’s good ’cause I was already hot.

We trudged along. Up a hill. Down a hill. Up another. We sure were doing a lot of lookin’ for those lilies!

Sage: What’s up, Mom?

Mom: We sorta went the wrong way…I know they’re just over this hill.

And voilà! There they were. A whole field of them! Did you know their bulbs were considered very valuable by Native Americans? They ground them up and used them as a sweetener during special occasions. 

A field of liliesAll I cared about was my tongue was still hanging out. But never fear. Water was near.

Of course, we HAD to see a waterfall. After all, what’s a hike in the Gorge or even the edge of the Gorge without a waterfall or two? Pothole Waterfall

 There were more in the park, but would we get lost again?

We headed down a narrow trail that promised another waterfall ahead. Down a trail

We started going down and down. The trail got even narrower. Mr. N was ahead and I wanted to be up there with him.

Sage: Come on, Mom. Get the lead out! 

Mom: Slow down, Sage! This path is steep, rocky and full of roots. And you’re on a leash and weigh 42 pounds.

Sage: Mom, why are you on your butt?

We did reach the bottom without further incident and there it was! (You sorta have to look through the trees).Lower Falls

Another short hike back up a hill took us back to the lake, the parking lot and our car. It was one of the bestest adventures yet, even if we did get lost a few times….

20 thoughts on “A Lost Adventure

  1. Another fun adventure for you Sage and Mom!!! Those lilies are gorgeous.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  2. Boy, that was some fine adventure you and Mr N had to find those lilies. I don’t think I could have kept up with you, but I sure would have tried hard. Lady Caroline


  3. hahaha why your mom was on her butt? I love your adventure, Sage and that’s a wonderful place, even when you are on the wrong way, you can find a lot of interesting things everywhere. Have a super saturday!


  4. You all find the greatest places to hike! I know how your Mom feels….sometimes when I hike with my sister she and Cricket get ahead of us and Sheba insists on catching up with them….all 67 lbs of her! Yes, Sheba will tell you I am just slow. 🙂


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