Ocean Adventure-Part II

During dinner at Tidal Raves in Depoe Bay (Wyatt’s Mom over at Gardening with Wyatt recognized that gorgeous view), Mom decided to find another beach for an evening romp. Just a bit down the road is Moolack Beach. Ya’ know that sun-in-my-face photo from last Wednesday? That’s the place.

It was a little scramble down a cliff,No problem.

Because at the bottom was this wonderful beach with no hu-mans or dogs anywhere! Well, except for Mom and me. It was all a dog could want.

Way off in the distance is Yaquina Head Lighthouse…can you see it? One day we’ll go visit it, but today it was all about Moolack Beach and me.


I loved the tidal pools






My furs have to get wet somehow and I know that’s the bestest way in the whole world to cool down after a crazy ball-playing session. .

Come on, Mom. Get the lead out!





After a little scramble up the rocks, we headed back to our hotel for a much-needed night of rest!




We wrapped up our little anniversary-cation at the “D” River in Lincoln City. It’s supposed to be the shortest river in the whole world.


17 thoughts on “Ocean Adventure-Part II

  1. What great adventures you have, Sage. Our Mom NEVER takes us anywhere! (Shhhh! Don’t tell her I said that, or she really won’t.) Maybe next time you go to the beach, we can go with you.


  2. Oh Sage, we wish we could have that same kind of fun. That beach was wonderful. So glad you were able to go. But the cliff looked a wee bit challenging – don’t think the Momster could handle that.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning


  3. Wow, sweet Sage that looks and sounds like the perfect place to go play ball and enjoy the beach. What great jumps and we love your footprints in the sand. Hugs and nose kisses


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