Did it Snow in Portland?

Snow is elusive, at least in my perspective. I could have been in this 4-foot snow that Mom and Dad had when they lived in Colorado. Toby told me he just stepped over the fence and decided to go exploring. That would have been fun!

Or, Maggie could have shown me how to do it when Portland DID have some snow in 2008. She LOVED snow.

But me? Well, this tells it all….(I hope you clicked).

Pretty puny, huh?
Maybe next time…

14 thoughts on “Did it Snow in Portland?

  1. Miss Sage, we didn’t even get that much here in Keizer! But the weather thingy says that Monday night there will be more snowfs!




  2. We did click and saw that big ole “NO” sweet Sage. Maybe soon you will get more snow and you can learn how to have great fun in it. Hugs and nose kisses


  3. LOL! We laughed when we clicked the link and saw that big old No! We have plenty of snow here though Sage. Although today it has warmed up to 43 degrees and it is melting! The good news about that is when it melts it makes for a Muddy Monday! YAY!

    God Bless You!

    The Collies and Chuck 🙂


  4. We get so disappointed when we just get a dusting and then it melts 😦 we moved back to Portland in ’08 so we got to play in all of that snow – but we would love to see more!


  5. Oh my, Maggie – what a gorgeous girl! I remember that snow in 2008. That was the real deal! The site is a crack-up, thanks for sharing, Sage!

    -Chandra at Daley’s Dog Years


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