Is it Really Winter?

While most of the US east of the Rockies is still in the deep freeze, Portland chalked up the warmest February on record. Really! Snow packs less than 10% of normal and drought looming for the summer is what’s happening. So, how does this impact me?

– Mud puddles at 1000 acres are almost non-existent — a real problem in my book.

– My hair is falling out all over the place and I HATE being brushed. I think that’s a Mom problem though…

– Hikes have been on the schedule–you’ve seen several — that’s definitely a plus.

– There are still beaches at the rivers — another plus, especially at this time of the year.

And everything is in bloom.

Pee Ess: I know I was going to tell you about my adventures at the Popstar’s (some is on my FB page). I PROMISE that’ll be next, but Mom came home and got the sickies. And, I had to put my nurse cap on again.Nurse SageI don’t know if she’s better yet, but we’ll get by to see you all! Stay warm (and well)!!

23 thoughts on “Is it Really Winter?

  1. We hope your Mom is feeling better soon. Too bad about the mud but the hikes and the beach just might make up for the lack of mud. Besides we know the Spring rain will bring you lots and lots of mud:)

    Mom’s not on FB so we look forward to seeing more of your visit with the Popstar.

    Woos – Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning


  2. Your had the warmest Feb, we had the coldest!! Sounds like Oregon is a great place to be, not to mention beaches and rivers, plenty of mud in them! Hope your mom is feeling better soon. Take good care of her Sage. 🙂


  3. Hey, how come you gets flowahs and spring already? We is frozened in ice ofur here in Noo Joisey. There be no hikes fur me fur a month fur the furst time EVER!


  4. Hope your Mom is feeling better soon. I was just saying to my hubby that I can’t believe you have flowers out that way already, and that you got almost no snow or winter over there! We would have happily shared with you. I hope your drought isn’t too bad, I am sure we will be looking at some serious flooding when spring finally does arrive here in the northeast.


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