Elk Antlers

Have you ever had an antler to chew? All I can say is WOW.

Mom and Dad heard about these things at a park we go to called Normandale. It’s tons of fun and always lots of dogs to run and play with. I especially like it when a dog runs after a ball or likes to race around the park. Then I can race too! Wait–what was I talking about. Oh, antlers…….

Anyhow, Mom ordered some from a place called Antler Pantry. This package came and she gave Toby and me one each. I took one smell and ran under the desk. What was this thing? Was it going to hurt me? I was SCARED. But then I heard something–it was Toby chewing on one of those things. Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. I guess I should try it.

Well, long story short. I chew on my antler all the time. I even took Toby’s away from him–he really didn’t want it anyway.

3 thoughts on “Elk Antlers

  1. Opie loves antlers as well, but he’s quite a chewer. We had to take his first one away because he actually broke it into dangerous slivers. Opies Dad bought him a new one. This one is bigger and not cut in half like the other one. I was just looking at it and even though Opie has only had it for 5 days he’s chewed out a lot of the marrow. I think he’d agree that they are really yummy!


    • Fortunately, Sage has been working on hers for a couple of weeks and hasn’t splintered it. I’m glad Opie is enjoying his though!


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