Anipal Photo Hunt #4: MY BED

Yay! It’s time for the next installation of the Anipal Photo Hunt! Clink on the Anipal link or the icon above to find all about it.  I hope you join us–it’ll be FUN.

This week, I have to show pictures of my bed. MY BED????? Uh-oh, now what am I going to do? This will be HARD. OK, so I start out here when we go to bed at night.

Then I go here:

My crate is where I go when Mom and Dad go out the door. I USED to sleep in it when I was little, but I didn’t like staying in it all night. But, now, sometimes that’s where I go!

But most favorite place of all right now is HERE:

The cats tell me there might be an issue with a dog in a cat tree. I’ll have to tell you about it later though……

8 thoughts on “Anipal Photo Hunt #4: MY BED

  1. Is always good fur a gurl to has opshuns. But I think you sleeping in the kitteh tree is by far the bestest evah BOL! As mom would say, you is hasing an identity crisis. She tolded me that the udder day when I pointed like a pointer at a chipmonkey. So we get confused sometimes.


  2. Isn’t it funny how we don’t like crates as babies and then we wanna go in them as adults? Mom has only 1 crate set up and we like to go in there and Rio stores his goodies in there to keep them from me and Thor. WOW and on a kitty tree? You are very agile! xoxox Raven, Thor and Rio


  3. As you appear to have become a follower of my blog as a big thank you I have sent you an invite to view a private blog that I write. Hopefully it will give you more of an insight in to mine and Tommy’s life here on the estate. Just follow the instructions in the email that should have been sent to you.


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