Not So Wordless Wednesday: It’s Legally Mine

I just thought a quick update on my condo status would help for those who didn’t know me then. Of course, you need to read how it all happened….

It all started when I was just a pup and discovered the condo. Yeah, I know it’s a cat tree, but does that really matter? I guess the kittehs thought so since I had to go to court with them a couple of years ago.

Peace has reigned in our tree ever since. Of course, it helps that these kittehs are now considered elderly. However, now they think they need an elevator installed. Since that wasn’t in the contract, I told them they need to cough up some better terms–upkeep is expensive (I just re-carpeted my whole condo).  Unfortunately, they said it would be a hairball. I don’t think that was what I was thinking!

Mystic & Sage in cat tree

Hopefully Mystic isn’t really considering that hairball!


The other day some friends of Mom came over and brought their dogs–Stella (she’s a Rottweiler/Heeler mix)and Ollie (a Schnauzer/Terrier mix). We REALLY liked them and had fun getting acquainted. Then, Ollie saw me get in my condo. Up he went (with his Dad’s help, of course) “Don’t I look cute up here?”You ask: “Is this a prescription for disaster? This is Sage’s spot and she fought hard with those kittehs for her rights”. Ollie said he needed to test the contract. Are visitors allowed? What about sub-letting? Is Sage cool with strangers?Hey Ollie! Get a grip. I share–even my condo. You are just visiting.But of course, you have to share too…..

Join me at this Saturday’s Blog Hop!

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MangoKittister 2011

Hey, Sage! This is Mystic. I’m talking to you. Pay attention!! I’m taking over because you sometimes are a thorn in my side.  Go chase a squirrel or something….

What? OK, OK!  You can have the computer back in a minute. Just let me tell about Mango Minster 2011. I’m entering in the Kitteh category and I hope I win! Then we’ll talk about who’s boss around here.

Speaking of talking, I can tell you I sure do qualify for the Kitteh category. First, and foremost, I’m a CAT. Not a wimpy D-O-G (shhhhh, don’t tell Sage I said that). There is no way I listen when our Hu-mans call me. Even for dinner or (gasp) a bite of ham. I hear them but I come when I want to. I have them so trained they bring the ham to me. How about that, Sage? Usually I’m in my meditation mode, curled up in a ball contemplating my toenails. I can do that for hours. And hours. And hours. Probably 20 hours a day, but who’s counting?

You ask what my favorite toys are? Well, give me a box anytime–none of that expensive cat nip infused mouse-looking stuff. And just let a fly get in my house. That requires acrobatics and skill to achieve the ultimate in torture. Then I sit back and watch my Hu-Mom finish it off with the fly swatter. One of the highest in Kitteh entertainment. But let me get on with my story.

You probably know I have a sister named Thailing. She looks like a long-haired Siamese but I’m the one who talks the most–that’s why I’m telling this story. Thailing likes to hang out on top of the pantry–she stays away from Sage. Sometimes she hangs off the fridge–of course it’s all about treats for her.

I think I need to give her some lessons on how to cope.

Talk about coping! I have put up with a lot. I can’t even enjoy a good bucket without Sage butting in.

I do love getting into things, though.But, when Sage took over the cat tree condo, well, that was a huge event. Thailing and I started eviction procedures, but Sage’s attorney won. We had to compromise–Sage got the condo and we got the penthouse. I sometimes curl up the condo, though, when Sage isn’t looking! (Don’t tell her though).

And then there was the sink incident. That was just the other day!

So, that’s my story. Don’t feel sorry for us. We get the upper hand lots of times. I even think we are becoming friends! I go over and rub on Sage sometimes and she told me she secretly liked it. Hehe, little does she know…….


I’m being EVICTED?

I heard the cats discussing how I like to get in their cat tree. Plus, they’ve been pretty sneaky here lately. Then, Mom spent all day at an attorney’s office and I heard her tell Dad they talked about an upcoming eviction. WHAT?? Now, wait a minute. Those cats are behind this. I just know.

I’m sure she was there to find out all my rights–she should have taken me, but she said “no dogs or cats allowed”. WHAT??? I thought this was Portland–Portland LOVES dogs. Besides, I’m her client, not those cats. At least I’d better be.

That's me in the lower condo

That’s Mystic down at the foyer. The penthouse is above me.

See the penthouse? It’s often empty, but sometimes Mystic is up there. She also stays down in the foyer to scratch her paws on the sisal posts (sisal’s a big word that Mom told me about).

Well, Thailing was in the penthouse one morning when I got into the lower condo. She had a F-I-T. What’s up with that? She usually sleeps in the kitchen WAYYYY up on top of the pantry. Does she think she has sole rights to this place? Mystic is usually up there and she is OK with me in the condo.

See what I mean?

OK, where’s their contract on this cat tree? Or do they have a long-term lease? Are they current on their rent and condo fees? If they can’t cough up anything more than a hairball, maybe I’ll have a chance for the lower condo!!

But, I need to know my rights. Maybe I’ll be a SQUATTER!! Good idea, huh?

Mom says in Oregon, a squatter has to “squat” on the property (the lower condo, in my case) for 10 continuous years, without the legal owners there. I guess I that won’t work, because I’m only 9-months old……Then what? Oh, wait! 9-months in dog years is more than 10 YEARS in hu-man year. Ha! Maybe I have a case.

Mom says I should “work it out” with the kitties and that might keep them from evicting me. Hmmm, do you think they’ll give me a settlement offer? Well, I think I’ll offer them some terms of my own:

  • Rights to the lower condo during the day (they can have it all night),
  • Slapping me is not allowed while a cat is in the penthouse and I’m in the condo,
  • Equal division in upkeep–I won’t cough up a hairball if they won’t. Oh, wait. I don’t have hairballs–I’m a DOG. Well, how about…no hairballs from them and I won’t leave acorns in the condo.
  • An unobstructed view to the outside. (Kitties can’t sit on the windowsill.)

I think that’s more than fair. So, now it’s a waiting game. I wonder if they will come back with a counter-offer or accept my terms? I bet they’ll accept them–they secretly really like me.

Anipal Photo Hunt #4: MY BED

Yay! It’s time for the next installation of the Anipal Photo Hunt! Clink on the Anipal link or the icon above to find all about it.  I hope you join us–it’ll be FUN.

This week, I have to show pictures of my bed. MY BED????? Uh-oh, now what am I going to do? This will be HARD. OK, so I start out here when we go to bed at night.

Then I go here:

My crate is where I go when Mom and Dad go out the door. I USED to sleep in it when I was little, but I didn’t like staying in it all night. But, now, sometimes that’s where I go!

But most favorite place of all right now is HERE:

The cats tell me there might be an issue with a dog in a cat tree. I’ll have to tell you about it later though……

The Penthouse was Taken…

..but the view was still good. I’m beginning to think that things are getting better between Mystic and me. This cat tree has always been the exclusive kitty domain. But, why, I asked? Mystic had the penthouse and no one was occupying the lower hammock. And it’s just my size! So, I took it. And Mystic didn’t care.

I can see better from here!

Nap time

I'm getting sleepy

Huh? What did you say, Mom? It’s time for a Blog Hop! I’ll wake up for that.

If you haven’t already joined it, click on the Pet Blogger Hop box below and have fun! I know I will!