Monday Mischief: Up, Up and Over

Some days are better than others, at least that’s what Mom said about the mischief I got into. It all started  innocently. A dip in my friend’s pool

Ahhhh, it’s so refreshing after a fun trip to Mt. Tabor




A bit of a shake

Yep, that’s shake water.













And then, Blackie (my friend’s kitty) walked into the yard.

She said: ‘Let’s race!’

And we did.

Across the yard we went.

Blackie led the way, I was right behind.

 Over the fence she went

and so did I.That’s the fence I went over.

We were just having fun….what’s the big deal? Oh, right, Mom. I’m not a cat. I’m not suppose to jump over fences. Well…..I do agility. Does that count?

Enjoying the Sun

What do you do when it’s a lazy day and the sun is beaming in the window? Well, lay in it, of course!!

Thailing has a special bond with Toby….not so much with me. 🙂 She spent some time checking Toby’s ear and rubbing on his head. Maybe she thinks he’s a genie and she can wish me away? I don’t know why she thinks that. She runs. I chase. What’s wrong with that?

She did some sneaking past me this time.

I don’t know why she was worried. I wasn’t giving up my sun spot for any goofy cat!

Sleepy Time

Early in the morning, I don’t care who I sleep with.Now, if she starts snuggling, like these kittehs do with TobyI’ll be sure I’m slipping….

Pee Ess: This is an old picture taken WAY before Toby got his sickies. They still snuggle like that though….

Kitteh Love

Toby here! I wanted to tell you this little story about my kittehs, Mystic and Thailing. They came to live with us–back in ’02–when I was a young lad, and grew up with Maggie and me. They were a couple of months old here. 

In case you don’t recognize it, they are laying in the condo portion of the cat tree. As they grew, Dad added the penthouse. You KNOW who lives in the condo now–the young whippersnapper.

Well, these little kittehs took a shine to me, especially Mystic. You’d often find her snuggled up next to me somewhere. This was later in ’02. I was a pretty handsome dude back in the day!A couple of years later, here we were again. Mom calls us snuggle-buddies! Maggie didn’t much like snuggling, so I got it all!

Flash forward to today.  A lot has changed since those days of our youth. Maggie is playing over the Rainbow Bridge and the young whippersnapper is now the new entertainment. I’ve gotten old and grey, but do I still have my snuggle buddies, you ask? A resounding YES! It took a while after little Miss Sage came to live with us. She’s gotten a bit older and the kittehs seem to have finally accepted her. Thailing was the last hold out–she lived on top the fridge for a long time hoping that D-O-G would just go away.

Mystic snuggles pretty regularly, but what has made me really happy is what happened yesterday.  This was a real break-through, don’tcha think?

Wordy Wednesday: Bike Ride

My best friend Toby II goes bike riding with his Mom–well, she rides and Toby II runs along on a bike leash. I walk well on a leash, but I don’t know much about bike leashes. I’m game for most things, so when they decided to hitch me up, I decided to play along with them. I had no clue what was supposed to happen, but here I am, hitched up to the bike. I sure hope they let me know pretty quick what I’m suppose to do!Toby II’s Mom and I took off and I got the hang of it pretty quick. Except there was this cat across the street (I just had to look, right?) We got past that and went around the block. I was trotting along pretty well until…there it was. Another CAT…we almost had an accident. Except for those durn cats, I’m doing pretty well on this bike! Here I come on the homeward stretch.

Then I saw Mom! I thought we needed to hurry. Look, Mom! No paws!! Come on–pedal faster!! Let’s GO.We got back home and guess what? There was ANOTHER cat across the street. I just had to look. Wouldn’t you?

I had lots of words today, but some of my furiends didn’t. I’m going to go see what they are up to!

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MangoKittister 2011

Hey, Sage! This is Mystic. I’m talking to you. Pay attention!! I’m taking over because you sometimes are a thorn in my side.  Go chase a squirrel or something….

What? OK, OK!  You can have the computer back in a minute. Just let me tell about Mango Minster 2011. I’m entering in the Kitteh category and I hope I win! Then we’ll talk about who’s boss around here.

Speaking of talking, I can tell you I sure do qualify for the Kitteh category. First, and foremost, I’m a CAT. Not a wimpy D-O-G (shhhhh, don’t tell Sage I said that). There is no way I listen when our Hu-mans call me. Even for dinner or (gasp) a bite of ham. I hear them but I come when I want to. I have them so trained they bring the ham to me. How about that, Sage? Usually I’m in my meditation mode, curled up in a ball contemplating my toenails. I can do that for hours. And hours. And hours. Probably 20 hours a day, but who’s counting?

You ask what my favorite toys are? Well, give me a box anytime–none of that expensive cat nip infused mouse-looking stuff. And just let a fly get in my house. That requires acrobatics and skill to achieve the ultimate in torture. Then I sit back and watch my Hu-Mom finish it off with the fly swatter. One of the highest in Kitteh entertainment. But let me get on with my story.

You probably know I have a sister named Thailing. She looks like a long-haired Siamese but I’m the one who talks the most–that’s why I’m telling this story. Thailing likes to hang out on top of the pantry–she stays away from Sage. Sometimes she hangs off the fridge–of course it’s all about treats for her.

I think I need to give her some lessons on how to cope.

Talk about coping! I have put up with a lot. I can’t even enjoy a good bucket without Sage butting in.

I do love getting into things, though.But, when Sage took over the cat tree condo, well, that was a huge event. Thailing and I started eviction procedures, but Sage’s attorney won. We had to compromise–Sage got the condo and we got the penthouse. I sometimes curl up the condo, though, when Sage isn’t looking! (Don’t tell her though).

And then there was the sink incident. That was just the other day!

So, that’s my story. Don’t feel sorry for us. We get the upper hand lots of times. I even think we are becoming friends! I go over and rub on Sage sometimes and she told me she secretly liked it. Hehe, little does she know…….


Cuzzin Peeka

I have to tell you a little more about my cuzzins today. But before that, guess what? My MOM called me on the telephone yesterday. That was my very first phone call–can you believe it? She sang “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday my sweet Sage, Happy Birthday to you”. I was so excited I was checking my petsitter’s ear to see if Mom was stuck inside her head! I can’t wait until they get home…

So, let me tell you about Peeka. Even though Peeka is a C-A-T, I like cats. Sometimes they don’t like me though, because I want to play, play, play. I think they have another idea of play. What’s up with that? I think they are a little bit crazy.

Peeka has been visiting Dexter and Chessie and likes to hang out on the bed.

OK, Auntie, I just want to PLAY! Don’t I look like an angel?

Pee Ess: I forgot to tell you something! I’m having a big birthday party as soon as Mom & Dad come home! She said so! AND she has a TON of presents. AND we are going some place special! She wouldn’t tell me, so I guess I’ll just have to wait a couple more days….