Sorta Wordless Wednesday: Pirate Ship

Remember when I was out swimming in the Willamette a few months ago and saw what looked like a pirate ship? I was back there today, minding my own business, and look what I saw.  A Jolly Roger flag–and on the same ship! Do you think they knew I’d been talking about them?

19 thoughts on “Sorta Wordless Wednesday: Pirate Ship

  1. Well, sweet Sage we just thinks you are so smart you already knew that was a pirate ship before the put up their flag…now that’s what we thinks. Hugs and nose kisses


  2. Yo Ho Ho, it’s a Pirate’s life for me!!
    I have always been intrigued with Pirates and Gypsies. It must be that vagabond lifestyle that is so opposite of mine : )


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