Pack Dynamics



You know my Toby left me 4 months ago today. I know what happened…I was there when he passed over the Rainbow Bridge.





And I’ve been happy being the ‘only dog’ at home. I have my pack of friends–Toby II, Macy, Caly and Tucker–and, if you’ve read my stories, you know a little about them. Oh, and there’s my boyfriend Wyatt, but he’s moving to Montana.



My friends, Caly and Tucker, are about my size. We meet often and  have a romping good time! Toby II and Macy live across the street and were the very first members of my extended pack. Macy is 12-years old and is a lab/pit mix. I think I’m the only one (well, besides her bro, Toby II) who can jump all over her and get her to play. Toby II is a big dog that’s a Great Pyrenees/Husky mix.

The phone rang the other day and I knew it was Toby II and Macy’s Mom…how many of you recognize your human friends ring-tone?  Yes, I really do. I know it means something good is going to happen. Well, this time, I wasn’t so sure. She decided to foster a dog. Not just any dog, but a 2-year old Saint Bernard named Haley. A BIG dog.You say, “piece of cake”. Well, not so fast. We first met on a walk around the block. I studiously ignored her. Mom was a little surprised as this isn’t my usual reaction to a new dog. I meet and greet with the best of you.

Not this time.

The next day, we all met in their house. We always have good treats and I usually entice Toby II and Macy to play.

Not this time.

Haley was in the room and I was a little scared. She didn’t do anything and just wanted to be loved (that’s what Mom says). But, I was scared. My Toby would have known what to do, but he’s not here to tell me anymore. I have to figure out these things myself now. And sometimes it’s hard.

Mom said a little exposure every day will help, so the next day, we went over again. I stayed outside. I could tell the humans were having a good time inside, but I thought looking for my neighbor’s kitties was a better thing to do. I was there, but not there, you know? They just let me do my own thing. I have to think about this Haley thing a bit more.

Today, we met in my neighbor’s backyard. Were things a little different today? Did I feel a bit better about Haley?I didn’t go over and sniff her, but maybe she’s OK. I got a little closer, but still ignored her a bit.Then, the magic word “treats” was heard by all! Toby II showed up (he ignores Haley too). I got a bit closer.Finally, we all got in the picture. I was happy with the progress I’ve made.

Mom said she wonders whether I need a playmate at home…extend my pack a bit more. Give me some more confidence. I tell her this is the way I’ve always been. Remember how I was when she gave my Toby and me an antler? I hid under the desk until Toby showed me it was OK.  I’m picky about my furiends, but when I find one I like…well, I really like them. Nothing wrong with that…I just have to warm up to them.

But, having a new sister or brother? I have to think about that.

A lot.

21 thoughts on “Pack Dynamics

  1. Well, sweet Sage it is not a bad thing to be picky about your friends. Sometimes it takes longer than other times to get to know what other furries are like. Haley is a big girl compared to you. Thinking long on if you want a new brother of sister is good too. We know you and your mom will make the right choices though and you will be happy and still enjoying life. Hugs and nose kisses


  2. Really big dogs can be scary. I know. I’ve got one. But St Bernards are gentle giants so I hope you continue to give Haley a chance. You never know, she might like mud just as much as you!

    It’s OK to take time to decide who your friends are – isn’t that how you make sure they are the very best??


  3. Well, Sage, I don’t blame you one bit for being a little selective in choosing your friends. I’m sure you’ll warm up to Haley soon enough. Big dogs can be scary but they’re usually just gentle giants.

    I think it’s great that your mom isn’t pushing you to be more social than you’re comfortable with being. You know, Haley might need *your* help in teaching her that everything’s going to be okay now. Not sure how she ended up in foster care but that’s a big change for her at the very least. Maybe she’ll benefit from your experience just like you benefited from your Toby?

    PS – We’ll say a little prayer of remembrance for Toby today. Hope your heart is healing.


  4. Sweet post! Some friendships take a little longer to develop. Don’t give up! It might be fun to have a new puppy to take care of. My Buddy likes it! (mostly).


  5. That treat time yesterday was pretty fun. Mom got a little concerned, though, when she read one of the comments about Haley liking mud as much as you….I don’t think she likes that thought! Haha.


  6. Mom thinks you are a lot like Phantom. It takes a long time for him to warm up to a new pal. We think you can trust your Mom to know when it would be good for you to have a new packmate. Just takes time.

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning


  7. I’ve just come across from the Extreme pet bloggers blog hop to say hi.

    Just take your time Sage there’s no rush, all good things come to those who wait.



  8. Sage, you’re still getting over the loss of Toby, so that makes you even more shy or wanting to keep to yourself. I think if Haley were someone to be afraid of, she would have shown her threatening side by now. And, another doggie? Enjoy being the only one for now, sweetie pie and take time to heal..xx

    Lots of hugs,
    Tom, Mom Julie, Tinker, Mitty & Anastasia


  9. What a great story and very cool pictures.
    Maybe before you jump into a new brother or sister you can try that fostering thing too.

    As for Haley, I am sure it won’t be long before she finds a perfect family to love her.
    (Or she could always come visit here!)


  10. Pingback: Beach Trip-Part 1 « The (mis)Adventures of Sage

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