Monday Musing

I’m thinking I really like spring! It’s warmer, the birds are singing and I’m digging. Oops. Mom! Don’t look. I didn’t say anything. Really.

Mom was digging too, so she can’t say anything about me digging. She planted 2 more blueberry bushes so the one my hu-brother gave her will hopefully do something. I’m not sure I’ll like blueberries, but I sure do like those strawberries that grow in a pot on our deck. I’ll let you know though.

See those hyacinths? They’re suppose to smell really nice. I couldn’t smell a thing, but I think it’s because they were still working on their smell.

Mom found one from another place in our yard and said I could have it in my condo window. Now I can sniff it when I’m in too!

When we went on our walk this morning, I had to stop and smell the tulips in our front yard. They didn’t smell either. What’s up with that?

I think I like spring and all these pretty flowers! And, of course, the digging. If Mom would just tell me where she needs a hole………..

15 thoughts on “Monday Musing

  1. Hello Sage! I love blueberries (but we don’t have here) and hyacinths! Spring is so beautiful time with all the flowers! How nice that you help with digging the holes!
    Kisses from Teje & Nero


  2. Lovely flowers, you are all clean no mud ; ) I bet mom was pleased not having to bath you
    Have a good week
    See Yea George xxx


  3. Hi Sage, I reckon you would make a great head gardener. I could have done with your help today when I was planting potatoes as I had to dog lots of holes, you’d have had a great time.


  4. Wow, you have lots of Spring going on there. And you know what, we have hyacinths and for some silly reason, they don’t smell very much this year either – probably too cold. We had snow late yesterday but it all melted already. The Momster is going to try one of those hanging strawberry plants too if she can get it up high enough and away from Ciara.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara


  5. Those flowahs is so pritty. We dussn’t has any fowahs in the back yard coz efurry time mom plants them, I yank them out of the ground and dance around the yard with flowahs (and roots) stuck in my teefs and hanging out of my mouf. Fur some reason, mom duss not find it something to LOL about.


  6. Spring flowers are very pretty and smell nice too. Too bad they go back to sleep the rest of the time. It would be nice to have them blooming the whole year round.
    It’s good to help your mom with digging, but don’t dig out the plants.


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