The Final Battle

Toby here: The battle has raged for almost two years now. I’m tired and pretty battle-scared. My special vet gave me lots of potions, but that evil spinal myleopathy dragon has mortally wounded me. Sage has been at my side all the way and has been licking my ears lately…I think she secretly hopes there’s some magic that will help. I tell her it’s time to go over the Rainbow Bridge.

I’ve seen Maggie beckoning on the other side, so I know it’s time.

She told me my legs will work again and I’ll be able to run and play with her.

Don’t be sad, Sage. I’ll be there for you when you see something new and it scares you. I’ve taught you a lot and it’s time for me to go. 

So, in my regal status as Sir Pantsalot of the Round Bowl, I now bequeath you my sword, and all my worldly goods. Be strong, little one. I love you.
Mom here: Toby went over the Rainbow Bridge today. He fought a valiant fight, but yesterday could no longer stand on his own and progressively got worse. We knew it was time. The vet came to the house and his struggles are now over. Sage was with him to the end.

Run free, Toby. We will miss you. A lot.

80 thoughts on “The Final Battle

  1. I am so sorry to hear of Toby’s passing. Whether it’s time or not doesn’t make it any easier. Sage you now carry the torch. Toby will always be by your side. R.I.P. Sweet Toby Run free!


  2. Oh no. My whiskers are so weepy wet but I know it was time. Thanks for sharing Toby with all of us. My your hearts smile with joyful memories really soon. Run free sweet Toby.


  3. I thought that is what you said on the phone Ann. I am so so so sorry but I know Toby will be happy to be with his Maggie and be able to run free again and feel good again!!! R. I. P. Toby!!!


  4. I’m so sorry and sad … had to go and cry … I know that now Toby is happy without pain but still it’s so difficult for you. I hope that Sage is fine and don’t feel too sad and lonely. Good Journey, Toby! We love You!
    xxx Teje, Nero & girls


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  6. I am so so sorry about Toby. I know it is so hard on all of you even though it is time. Yes, he is running and playing and having a wonderful time all the while keeping watch over his “people” and Sage. You can certainly feel good about knowing he had a wonderful life and loved you all so much. I know you were a blessing to him and he was a blessing to you.


  7. Toby, you will be missed. That’s for sure. But Maggie will enjoy being reunited with you, and it will be great to be able to run free and be healthy. We won’t forget you.

    Sage, I know you will miss Toby I terribly, but I will be your adopted brother….if you will let me.

    Lots of love, Toby II


  8. It was an honor to know you Toby and your fight was not in vain. May you always run free like the wind and keep a loving eye on those who will miss you most. Special prayers for Sage and your family. We will miss you.


  9. I cried all the way to work (on the bus!) – my heart is broken for all of you. How lucky you were to have such a beautiful friend for so many years. Sage is especially lucky to have had such a great teacher. Sending you lots of love and cuddles from Mumma, Bubba, Bella & Beary xox


  10. Oh dear, so sorry to hear that. Hugs to all of you and prayers for your hearts to be healed. Run free, sweet Toby, you will be missed.


    Jackie, Dillon, and Mom


  11. It is so hard to let go even when you know it’s best. You have happy memories and lovely pictures to remember sweet Toby. Sage had a wonderful tutor and was such a devoted companion to her buddy; how blessed you’ve been to have had such a wonderful friend.


  12. God Speed Toby! You’ve earned your rest and the right to run free of pain. My Mom’s crying for your Mom and I’m sending canine kisses to Sage. You guys will have to help each other through this sad time. It’s a good thing that you have each other!




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  14. We are so sorry. It is a tought hing to go through and we have went through this many times. Know you are in our prayers and that someday you all will be together again. We cant take away the pain, the loss, the hurt but remember the wonderful, the good, the happy, the laughing times…. HUGE COLLIE HUGS FOR YOU!

    With our deepest condolences,
    the sad collies and a tearful chuck


  15. We are so incredibly sorry for your loss. It brings tears to our eyes. We’re glad Toby isn’t suffering anymore. Maybe he will meet our brother Marty in heaven? We are thinking of you!

    Bella and DiDi


  16. So sorry for your loss. I can’t think of anything anyone could say that would help me, so I’ll leave this short and sweet. My heart goes out to you and your family. I know that Toby was blessed to have you all for a pack and as pet parents. All sympathies


  17. Oh, dear, talk about a major typo / booboo. We don’t know what we did wrong, but we obviously goofed. The {{{hugs}}} and pawhugs message a couple comments above was from us. We’re very sorry for your loss.


  18. Oh we are so late getting here today and now we are so very sad. Mom has lots of tears reading about Toby. He has always touched her heart in a very special way. We all know that you did what was best for Toby, that’s the only way it can be.

    And what an absolutely touching and precious and beautiful tribute to your special boy! We are at a loss for words tonight. Soft woos and gentle hugs to all of you from us.

    Hugs and Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom


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  20. My heart is so saddened to hear this. It’s so difficult and I don’t envy you that decision, but admire you your strength. Hugs to you and Sage. Godspeed to Toby. xoxox


  21. I imagine Toby and Maggie meeting again, in the place where age and disease does not exist and it allows me to smile through my tears. Thank you for sharing Toby with us. I feel very lucky that I was able to meet him in person – even more handsome and sweeter than his photos suggest. Toby knew that you and Sage and your family were there for him in life. I hope that it brings you all comfort to know that you were there for him in death as well.

    Toby and Maggie are running fast and they are running free.

    If there is any way that I can help during this time, please get in touch. If you’re interested in grief resources, I went to a couple meetings of the DoveLewis support groups and found them to helpful in the sense that while every person in the room had different circumstances, the deep loss was shared. And, honestly, there aren’t too many places where you can cry your face off without making yourself and everyone else in the room uncomfortable.

    Big big hugs to you and Sage and your family. And paws up from all my pack to the big dog park in the sky.

    -Chandra at Daley’s Dog Years


  22. I know we’re a little too late on sending a prayers and support, but we still hope that you guys could accomodate us. I’m sure Toby is having a great time over the rainbow bridge.

    Huggies and Cheese,

    Haopee of MyDogsLove.Me


  23. We heard about your loss and wanted to send purrs and kittie kisses…..losing a friend is never easy and we wish you only good memories of Toby to help you through this time….


  24. We are so so sorry to hear about your loss. We know Toby will be missed by everyone, especially dear Sage. We take comfort in knowing Toby is no longer in pain and is running, playing and having a ball- though we are sure he misses you dearly. We hope all of the wonderful memories will help to bring you peace at this time. Sending love and prayers your way!


  25. Brian told us about Toby going to the Bridge. We are so sorry for your loss. We can see from the pictures that Toby was a special woofie and will be missed. We send comforting purrs and headbutts to you and Sage.

    Wally, Ernie & Zoey


  26. Hey Sage, Jet here. Hi Sage’s Mom.

    Mom and I extend our deepest condolences on Toby’s crossing today. We did not know about your big brother. Mom has this water stuff in her eyes right now from reading your post. You were a brave little sister, taking care of Toby.

    We know that Toby will meet our my big sister, Koko, over the Rainbow bridge and they can now frolic together in ease and comfort.

    We send you Jetty kisses, JJ hugs and words of comfort and support from Mom


  27. Toby, we sure are so sad that you had to go to the bridge but at least now you are running free. We sure do send you tons and tons of hugs and many woofs. We know that Mom is hurting and we are thinking about her.


  28. Beautiful pictures to go with what i’m sure was a beautiful life. Sage take what Toby has taught you and he will be watching so proud. I am so very sorry for your loss of Toby.


  29. Me and my cat Charlie came over from the Cat Blogosphere. We are so sad to hear of Toby running off to the Bridge and we are weepy reading his farewell here to lovely Sage. What a beautiful darling woofie. We are truly sorry for your loss.

    Run free sweet Toby!

    Take care


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  31. We have never visited you before but read about Toby on the CB and wanted to stop by and pay our respects. Losing our dear friends is always so hard, even when we know they are now free of pain.

    The Poupounette Gang
    in France


  32. Momma and I are so furry sorry to hears about Toby. Sweet Sage we are sure you are furry sad and so is your momma, keeps hold of your bootiful memories and knows that many loving thoughts are coming your way! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrs


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  34. We are so sorry to hear that Toby had to run off to the Bridge. Thank you for loving him so very much. Purrs, prayers and hugs to you all.


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  36. I’m so sorry about your sad loss. I’m sure that your grief is intense right now but please know that many of us are thinking of you, trying to send you the strength that you need.


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  38. We are so very sad to hear that Sage ran off to the Bridge.
    We know she is now with Bear and Charlie-Taylor and 007 and all the Great Who Came Before.
    Sending much love,
    Mom ML
    Missy Blue Eyes
    Faith Boomerang
    Baby Cat


  39. Dear Sage,

    I’m so sorry to hear about Toby. I’m glad you were there with him at the end. I know it would have made him feel lots better to go on that final adventure with you waving goodbye. Be brave now. Toby is strong and happy again, somewhere.

    BIG HUGS to everyone, and especially you and your mama x


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  41. We are so sorry. We just heard about Toby. We were so touched by this beautiful post. Sage, it sounds like you are part of a wonderful loving family. Hope time is starting to heal you broken hearts. BearHUGs and MomHUGs.


  42. Pingback: Pack Dynamics « The (mis)Adventures of Sage

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