Let a Little Sun Shine In


When winter is grey and gloomy, a little sunshine goes a long way towards brightening our day. So Mom and I have to thank Bella, over at Bringing up Bella for sending us the Sunshine Award. It must have worked because the clouds moved away and the sun is shining!

If you don’t know Bella, you should pop over there.










We think she’s really very special and looks so much like our Toby did in his younger days. There are a lot of similarities in their lives which has only endeared Bella to us even more.

So you know the drill – there are some rules to accepting the Sunshine Award but they’re pretty simple: Answer 7 questions and pass the award on to 10 people and let them know they’ve received it.

  1. Favorite Number? Mom doesn’t have one. Me? 2–’cause that’s as far as I can count. 1…2…any more and I get confuserated.
  2. Favorite non-alcoholic beverage? Plain old water. That’s for both Mom and me. ‘Cept I take mine with a splash of mud. Bring it on!
  3. Facebook or Twitter? Mom is on Facebook a lot. Me? I’m a Tweet. Oh, that’s right–a TWITTER.
  4. Your Passion? Oh, boy. I’d have to say Mom’s is cooking great food, quilting and taking me to 1000 Acres. Oh, and walking with me every day. ME? Water. Swimming. Mud–wet, glorious mud. (I’m pretty passionate, you see.)
  5. Favorite Pattern? Mom said her’s is bright and colorful. MOM?!? That’s NOT a pattern. Me? Is there a pattern in mud?
  6. Favorite Day of the Week? Every day! See, Mom’s retired so we can go anywhere anytime!
  7. Favorite Flower? Mom loves roses, but can’t grow any at her house in Portland ’cause there’s too much shade. Me? They’re all purty. I can’t eat them, so whatever.

I love spreading Sunshine around, so here goes! There’s never too much of it (especially here in the Northwest).

Bird Brains and Dog Tales–We’ve been having fun watching Millie discover snow and learning how to be a dog. I think snow is like water, so maybe we’re related!

Clowie’s Corner–Clowie, a Great Pyrenees Mountain Dog, was looking for snow before she left on holiday. She moved to Spain recently and knows what it takes to stay cool.

Pawsitively Pets–As a vet tech, Ann Paws knows a lot about all different kinds of animals. We’ve enjoyed reading about the antics of her pet rat, Nibblet, and her dog, Shiner.

jaspersdoggyworld–Jasper and Nellie are two maremmas living in New Zealand and love to help their Mummy garden. They have lots of sunshine right now, but they always can use more to help their giant pumpkins grow.

Sugar the Golden Retriever–Sugar is well-known in the blog world, but she brings me sunshine every day.

Thanks again, Bella. We love all kinds of sunshine and you sent us a bunch!


23 thoughts on “Let a Little Sun Shine In

  1. Wow – you’re fast!!! Thanks for the kind words. And I’m so glad we could bring a little color to your winter. Very excited to hear your mom likes to cook, too. That’s one of my favorite things to do as well.

    Thanks for turning us on to some new blogs as well. We knew a few (Sugar, of course and Clowie and Pawsitive Pets) but Millie, Jasper and Nellie are friends we have yet to meet. 🙂


  2. Congratulations Miss Sage! And thank you so much for brightening my day with this award! Very thoughtful of you! I can tell by your answers that you REALLY enjoy mud lol!


  3. Hi, Sunshine Girl! Love the answers. Didn’t know you are on FB..we’re on there more than here and maybe in the new Year, we can keep closer touch 🙂 We’ll look you up–we’re Church Cat Tom (that’s Mom Julie & me)..Keep smiling, dear furriend..with you around, we always have sunshine!


    • Portland is the “Rose City” and yes, tons of roses grow here. Mom just can’t because we have too many trees shading our yard. We’ve never watched Portlandia, but no, Portland isn’t like that! Egads!!


  4. Hi Sage, thank you so much for coming to hang with me at my First Gotcha Day pawty, we sure did raise some great bucks for the shelter’s vet care budget! And concats on the award, it suits you lady, you look good with the Sunshine on you and well, the colors are definitely in your color wheel! paw pats, Savannah


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