
As I sit in my Condo,

staring out at the rain,

Thoughts started running through my head.

What would that be?

You say.

No, not the ubiquitous squirrel, but that would be a good guess!

My thoughts were much deeper than that.

DreamingImportant stuff…like: How far is it to China?

Or: Do you have to have a bath if you dream about digging in the mud?



With the pitter-patter of rain on the window,

my dreams continuedDreaming of mudWith hopes they soon become self-fulfilling.

I hope your dreams are as good!!

Pee Ess: I’m now on Facebook! I hope you ‘like’ me 🙂

23 thoughts on “Dreaming

  1. The kittens dream all the time!!! Circle is a big dreamer too!! Tom dreams about his work but if I dream I don’t know about what?????????????? I never remember a dream!!! I would love to know about what the cats are dreaming about????


  2. Pingback: A Dream Within A Dream | Read it to absorb my awesomeness

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