Algae Smalgae

I’ve been so patiently waiting for Mom to come back so we can go to the river. Right then–right now! The closest one is the Willamette River, only a 10-minute drive from our house. I was even dreamin’ about playing ball there. (One of my favoritest things to do–along with cooling down in a river.)DreamingNot that my favorite-sitter-of-all-times didn’t take me for long walks, a trip to 1000 acres and lots of snuggles. She did. And I loved it. But I miss Mom when she’s gone…

And what happened when she came back? She said we can’t go to the Willamette River. Period. So what happened to ‘right then; right now’? Mooooom?

Mom: Unfortunately, the Willamette River is experiencing an unprecedented blue-green algae bloom that was found to be toxic. It is spanning the entire river flow through Portland up to where it meets the Columbia River. And we don’t know when it will clear up. With recent rains and cooler weather, hopefully it’ll be soon! Since there the possibility a dog can die within an hour after drinking water with this type of algae, we are staying far away.

I did get a reprieve from boredom finally with a trip to 1000 acres today. We don’t go there as often as it’s much further away. But when we do? Whoopee!!On the trail

So much for that ol’ algae smalgae. There’s more than one river to play in around here, that’s fur sure.Chasing stick

And now I’m happily asleep 🙂Sleepy SageBut ready to go again at the drop of a ball!

Hiking Latourell Falls

The Columbia Gorge, bordering Oregon and Washington States, is home to more than 77 waterfalls, mostly on the Oregon side. Some are more isolated than others, but many are accessible after a moderate hike. The Latourell Falls hike is considered ‘moderate’ with an elevation gain of 635 feet to the upper falls.

Near the trail head, Mr. N and I stopped for a ‘photo op’ with the lower falls in the background. Passersby commented on how well behaved we are. I guess they don’t know Mr. N and I have a secret about that–we work for treats!!Lower Latourell FallsMom was careful going up the trail with it’s many tree roots and rocks. There were places where there were steep drop-offs, but she held my leash tightly. trail to upper Latourell Falls The trail wound around the top of the waterfall and meandered on up through the forest.

Lower Latourell FallsLogs were down in many places, often over the stream. You see I’m still not wet–what’s up with that??On a logWe finally made it to the upper fallsUpper Latourell FallsIMG_8756And I was finally able to get my furs wet!Happy Sage