Snakes Alive!

Not only did I get to go to 1000 Acres once, but I got to go TWICE–all in one weekend. The weather was great, so Mom & I took full advantage of it. There must have been a snake convention, because I guess I saw a dozen of the wiggly things.I was a bit curious, but just figured it was just another of those unexplained things out there. I really didn’t think crawling along on the grass or bare dirt sounded like something I’d like to do, so I went off to see some dogs that were coming down the trail. Mom told me the snake, a Northwestern Garter Snake, decided to get all coiled up……maybe it’s panties were in a wad, or something, because I had sniffed it. I wouldn’t know, because I’d given Mom the camera and was long gone. She had her Slogger Boots on and besides, these snakes aren’t poisonous. What’s that, Mom? They can still bite? Glad I was long gone!!!! Come on, Mom, get the lead out!! I want to herd that Beagle over there.

We took a wooded trail and saw the first deer we’ve ever seen out there! Probably the first deer I’ve EVER seen, if I think about it. Mom was too slow with her camera to take a picture though. I was really curious and watched and watched it bouncing through the woods. But I decided it was like those horse things that we see on the trail every now and again. Not my herding style…I was far more interested in finding a mud puddle!