I’ve Been Nipped

Oh, my dogness (again). That cute, cute kitty, Savannah, over at Savannah’s Paw Tracks threw a really pawsome award BRING ON THE NIP at me. Nip? What does that mean? Did another doggie take a little bite out of me? I sure didn’t feel anything and nooooooo, I’m not under the influence, like I was a month ago. 🙂 And you won’t let me have a nip of your wine, Mom, so what are they talking about?



Um, isn’t that a kitty thing?



OK, so here I am. Little ‘nips heading straight for me.

What do I do now, Mom? They’re getting pretty close.

I know!

I’ll become the Pied Piper of Nips.

Come on, little ‘nips.

Thailing? You surely like ‘nips. Right?Uh, not so much.

How about you, Mystic?They’re really, really good. You’d love them.

Uh, not so much.

MOM! What do I do now????? These kitties don’t have the nip gene and I’m supposed to be the Pied Piper of ‘Nips.

Mom: It’ll be OK, Sage. You just have to do a few things

1. Link back to who threw these nippers at you: Ah! That would be Savannah!

2. Tell everyone something you wanna celebrate.  Something good that happened: That’s easy. I’m a finalist in a Dirty Dog Contest sponsored by Wahl and I NEED votes so the shelter that kept me safe (until Mom & Dad could give me a wonderful furever home) will get some $$. You KNOW I love mud, so this should be easy. Vote, vote, vote for me every day at http://bitly.com/DirtyDogsContest. And thanks to everyone who’s voted for me so far! You are the BEST.

3. Pass the award along.  You can pass it along to just one blog or as many as twelve.

OK. Let me think about this. I think those kitties over at Brian’s Home would go WILD over a bunch of ‘nips. And Bassa surely would let Barnaby have a nip or two. Then, I’ll throw those nippers out to you doggers and anyone that catches one can have as much fun as I have!

19 thoughts on “I’ve Been Nipped

  1. ssoooooo…Dad and Mom wanna know….can we “like” this like a billion times!!! OMC!!! and LMAO and everything else…Sage…you, Sir, have out done the entire paw blogosphere…we are so gonna “share” this…as soon as Mom figures how to do it!!! Going out to Twitter now and FB!! High Paws Sage…you are a true SPORT!!!!!


  2. Hi Sarge! Me is a girl too. Savannah is one of my furrends and when me readed her blog, me saw that she had passed the nip award along to a dog. Now Me and Kozmo is not big nip freaks, but our hairy slobbery sisters loves to eats it! So, me thinked, Sarge is another dog who likes nip. This me had to see! Me came here and then me saw yous and your cat sibs is those who does not has the nip gene, but me went and voted for yous as the dirtiest dog!


  3. Congratulations on being “nipped” Sage and thank you for thinking of me and Barnaby when you passed on the award 🙂 I have voted for you in the Dirty Dogs Contest – you deserve to win! 🙂 Good luck!


  4. Hey, Sage! Oh, yeah, we remember the nip incident quite well..between you and me, I think you like it more au natural..hehe. Anyway, concats on the award. Thailing and Mystic are very sweet and might pass the mice on to their furriends..I like the Pied Piper idea, though..You’re so funny!

    Thanks for coming by to help us celebrate our Gotchas!


  5. Congratulations to you, Sage on being nipped. We can’t figure what those kitties love about that nip, but let us know if you do. It sure looks like fun:)

    Woos – Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning


  6. LOL – the look on your face in that first picture, Sage, is just priceless! But congratulations on being ‘nipped’ anyway!! 😉

    As for your contest – well that made me laugh right out loud – you MUST be a shoe-in for this!! We’re going over there to vote for you now. With THAT photo, you are sure to win!


  7. Congratulations on winning those nips. Great post you did with them. Scratchy, my cat, would have ignored them too. You just never know about cats. I voted for you in the Dirty Dog Contest. How could I not – that picture of you is great. I wish I had a dog park with mud like that.


  8. My cats are crazy about nip here. It is very entertaining to watch them when they are under the influence. I will go vote for you in the contest. We saw your picture at Brain’s and boy were you dirty. I do not like getting dirty. Mommy says I am weird for a woofie but she is most pleased that I prefer being clean and well groomed. ~Fenris

    PS: She does get annoyed when it is raining and we go walking because she has to walk in the mud-puddles so I can walk on the dry ground. I don’t like getting my feets muddy. I has her well trained.


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