Muddy Monday

Wow! We had fun, fun, fun on our weekend adventure to mud-ville. Well, I did, at least. After a little romp in the first mud-puddle I found, there has to be a roll in the dirt. Oh, right, gravel. SORRY, Mom….

We had quite a lot of rain this past week, so 1000 Acres was full of new water attractions. Kaly and I made short work of this one.

Then on to a bigger pond. I thought this fence was a nice addition! I don’t think it’s suppose to be in the water.

I was shaking up the water by now. With a stick in my mouth too! But, please note the mud in the foreground.We moved on to another new wet place. Of course, I was right in the middle of it (Please look closely at my nose). Mom just sighs and knows what’s coming. But, I’m oblivious to it all. Mud, I think, is my middle name.

Stay tuned! There’s more to this adventure to come!!

14 thoughts on “Muddy Monday

  1. Mud IS your middle name for sure! We had lots of rain here too but I didn’t get to play in any puddles because my humans kept me on the leash and there were no dogs to play with. They must have all been home nice and dry. Poo. No fun at all. I suppose you had a bath after?


  2. I’m so sorry to have missed out on the fun. Romping in water and mud would be so much fun! Maybe we can do it together soon.

    P.S. Even Macy thinks this sounds like fun!


  3. You get to visit all the best places don’t you sage! I think once you get a bit wet and muddy you may as well have a good time and get properly wet and muddy.


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