Am I Cautious?

I bet you’re wondering what that’s all about? Me? Cautious? Well, yes, I guess I am, or at least that’s what they say. When I was just a young lass of a pup, I’d romp and play at the dog park. My favorite one was Fido’s. But then a two-legger who worked there walked funny at me–sorta like a monster–and it scared me. And a German Shepherd jumped me and all these dogs rushed up to the gate when I went in with Mom. I decided that place was NO FUN anymore. Mom took me over there to get my picture taken last week and I was so scared all I could do was shiver. GET ME OUT OF HERE. So, we did. I won’t go in that dog park for anything anymore.

A couple of months ago, at our neighborhood park, a dog bullied me. He just wouldn’t leave me alone. Mom tried to get him away from me, but he was having no part of it. I just can’t stand another dog yelling at me all the time. So, I left and now I won’t go back.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There are LOTS of dog parks that I love. We play ball, I find mud puddles and I get to run and run. But I don’t like big dogs rushing up at me…I go sit by Mom until the dog goes away. I also love, love, LOVE agility. I can’t wait to go to my lesson every week. And I love going for walks and going to stores and lots of other stuff–especially if there’s a ball or a mud puddle. And I have some really good furiends that I play with, but I’ve known them for a long time and they don’t scare me.

Yesterday, Mom and Dad took me to a new/old place where dogs go and play. That’s where I went to school when I was young. Nothing bad ever happened there–I LIKE that place. They talked to the man while I played ball–Mom said he’s a certified behaviorist. While I played ball, the man brought in some dogs. First one, then two, then a whole bunch. We all met and I was happy. The man was happy too.

Mom said we’re going to go back to school there, next month, so I can get my Canine Good Citizen certificate. If I do really well, she said I was going to take some more schooling and see if I can be a therapy dog. I really like people (better than some dogs, that’s for sure!).

So, am I cautious? You bet. But there are other places to go besides dog parks. Sometimes they just aren’t for me.

Have you ever felt like that?