Me? Strange?

Wow! I just got an award. Why, you ask? For being strange. Who, me? Little ol’ Moi’? Ok, maybe a little…

Many thanks to I Still Want More Puppies for this award. Bella says she licks everything to identify it (including a goose), and feels a kinship with any dog who will lick a mop. That’s pretty funny, and maybe a bit strange.

So, you ask, why is there a “strange” award? Pretty strange, huh? Well, I found out that there’s a book by Cate Gardner coming out in October with the same name as the award (Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits)!  AND she has a contest where you might win an award! And not just the Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits award. Exciting, isn’t it? You can check it out here: Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits. I wonder if Mom will read it to me?

Anyway, now I get to share the award with some of my blogging friends (and strangers – strangers are always allowed) by nominating their blogs. I decided to go on a word quest so I could see what other words were like strange. I asked Mom “What is a synonym?” (pretty big word for a 9-month old puppy, don’t you think?) She said it’s another way of saying a particular word. Did you know strange can be “remarkable”, “exceptional”, “fantastic”, “wonderful”, “extraordinary”, “astonishing”, “mystifying”? That’s how I think of the word, anyhow. Just so you know…..

These are the “rules” (that means, what you’ve gotta do after you get the award):

  • Add the logo of the award to your post.
  • Include a link to the person (or dog) who gave the award to you.  Ta-dah….drumroll, please: I Still Want More Puppies!
  • Nominate seven blogs that are also exceptional, and explain why the recipient deserves the award.  (I have so many blog friends that I think are exceptional and remarkable, that this is going to be HARD).  I wish I could nominate everyone, but you might get tired and go to sleep reading this post! I think I’ll just close my eyes and put my paw on some. Mom can tell me who they are:

Dog 5Murphy’s Law–for sharing his food bowl  with the kitties–that’s astonishing!

Dog 21A Gardner’s Diary–for training Tommy not to take treats out of the open pantry–Toby thinks that’s mystifying! You all know about his pantry robbing.

CatPurrrrsonal Thoughts by Lu-Lu & Lucius–for giving Mom and me a good laugh! Lu-Lu is fantastic!.

Dog 14 Mellow Yellow-Musings of Ivy, The Yellow Lab–for advocating adoption of senior dogs–that’s exceptional!

Cat 11 Furrbaby Chat!–for advocating Mancat Caves!–My kitties love them too and I think that’s wonderful!

Dog 18 BCxFour–for listing some odd combinations–here’s another one for you guys: baked bean and catsup sandwiches. Now, that’s a bit strange…….

Dog 9 Bandit-Our Mini Australian Shepherd–for being so darn cute! I think that’s remarkable.

Oh, there’s one last thing I need to do. Notify the recipient’s of their award! I hope they like it!

7 thoughts on “Me? Strange?

  1. Hiya, thanks for the award, I really appreciate it and will carry out the rules of it later. I have put you in my blog list right now as I like your blog and wish to visit again, and will also link you to the award in my sidebar when I place the award there.


  2. Hi Sage,
    Congrets on your strange award!!! You are the first dog that I have ever seen on a cat tree!!!!!!! Of course now that I think about it—— why NOT!!!!
    You are a cute doggie!!!
    XXOO, Bambi & Fern


  3. Hi Sage,
    Please forgive me I can’t see real good and can’t spell worth a darn!! I was looking at my first comment!!
    I love to grow things!! I love to plant a seed and wait for it to come up and than I have another baby to care for!! I think of the plants that way. They are my babies!!! I am sad when the plant has given all it has to give and it dies!!
    I am a nut!!!! lol
    XXOO, Fern


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