Here’s What’s Been Happenin’

As you know, I’ve been amongst the missing the past couple of weeks. BUT, Mom and I are going to work really hard at letting you know what we’ve doing.  And come see everyone.

First there was Christmas. Guarding the stockings

We had a house full of peeps–even little PopStar was here. Mom put me in charge of guarding the stockings on that all important day. It’s a serious job…someone’s gotta do it. Right? And I didn’t even peek!!

The PopStar and I had a lot of fun. I found she likes mud puddles almost as much as I do!Poppy & SageShe doesn’t go to the extremes that I do, though. Take today, for example. We’ve been in a deep-freeze for the last week (all I got was a few measly walks each day). So, today was the day! It was a balmy 39° F (4° C). Off we went to 1000 Acres. There was all this hard stuff on top of the water, but…Sage (that’s me) to the rescue. I struck water!!Where's the water? Later on down the path, someone had already cleared off that hard stuff. Into the icy puddle

Well, mostly.

It was a fun trip, but I couldn’t tell you about it all at once. So, come back!!

Christmas Wishes

Christmas comes but once a year and Mom is busy, busy getting ready. The Pop Star will be here tomorrow and the fun begins!

Mom…really??Sage with antlersI think you know what I was thinking!!

So, while I slept though all the crazinessSleepy SageI dreamed about our latest trip to the coast

How much fun was that?IMG_8930But, then I woke up and thought about my life. I couldn’t have it better (well, except for the occasional silliness Mom likes to inflict). So, that’s my wish for you this season…that all my furiends out there have the best life ever (I know you do, so that’s a pretty easy one 😀). And get to do all the fun things you ever wanted to do. And live in a house of love and belly rubs.

Have a wonderful holiday season and we’ll back in touch soon!IMG_8968

Mr. N Spends the Weekend

Mr. N showed up the other day with his suitcase and leash. His Mom was with him, so I knew he hadn’t run away. I asked him “is everything OK?” He wasn’t sure. Then I heard them talk about food and clothes and a whole bunch of other boring stuff. That’s where I zoned out and decided to have a little romp around the house with him.

It was rainy that first day, so we donned our matching raincoats and headed out for a walk. Leaving your mark is important when you’re in new territory…I worked hard at keeping up with Mr. N. Somewhere, we both ran out, but that didn’t stop us!Sage & Mr. NThe kitties had another take on this situation. They remembered the last time Mr. N spent the night. He chased Mystic and she gave him a ‘correction’. Now, Mr. N has a healthy respect for my kitties and steers far away from them. Even so, Mystic spent lots of time in places far away from this little ball of fur. 😃 I think if he stayed longer, she might get to like him!


Today, Mom kept running in and out of the house–putting lights and stuff here and there. Then she dragged a tree in AND we didn’t even get to put our stamp of approval on it. What’s up with that??? Really, it was a bit boring.Under the tree

But we did our best to cope.Mr. N & Sage..sleeping

So, what is it like when another dog comes to spend a few days at your house?

Rainy Day Mischief

Mr. Snowman put in an appearance in my backyard, so I decided a proper doggie meet-and-greet was in order.

This doesn't smell like any dog I know!

Hmmmm…this doesn’t smell like any dog I know!

After introductions, Mr. Snowman said I should go check under the Christmas tree. That’s where pressies are.

Hmmmm. Is this a pressie for me? I think I should open it and see.Sage Sage! What are you doing?

Well, Mom, Mr. Snowman said I might have a pressie under the tree.

My sweet girl…you have to wait ’til Christmas. Santa is watching you and you have to be good.

And, besides, that’s not yours.Sage

Uh. But Mr. Snowman said I had a pressie.

You do have a pressie under the tree that you can open now–from our good friends across the street.World's Greatest DogSo Mr. Snowman was right. There was a pressie!

That’s right, Sagie. And there might be more. You just have to wait. Santa is watching!

But do you remember getting an envelope a while back, Sage?

Yes! Yes! Sweet Savannah sent us something and then you left and then and then…IMG_6160It was a little bitty Kong. Can I have it?IMG_6161No, sweet Sage. It’s too little for you, but Savannah passed on this neat award.Blog of the Year Award 1 star jpegThat’s like a pressie too, right?

Sure it is…it means you’re special. Just like Savannah. 

I hope everyone gets a pressie under their tree! If you need help opening it, let me know. I’ve developed a proper pressie-opening technique that I can teach you. It’s quite easy….

I LIKE to Help!

Christmas is almost here and Mom’s been busy! She’s been hiding out downstairs in her new sewing room working on Poppy’s very 1st stocking.

I stayed upstairs. Bored. Really bored.

But, then she said: “Let’s wrap packages!” Wow, that was right up my alley, especially when there’s paper involved. And Mom doing stuff where I can “help”. See? First you hold down the paper so Mom can put some tape on.Then, you help fold the paper. Sorry, Mom….I didn’t mean to get some tooth marks on it.I think this package wrapping is pretty cool! I sure hope there’s something here for me.Toby and I thought the finished products turned out pretty good–do you think Santa will hire us? Mom said I was such a good package wrapper that she was going to give me a stuffie to play with. She’s never let me play with one before–do you think maybe I’m growing up a little bit? She said: “We’ll see….Not sure what she meant by that, but I know there’s something Toby and I want to tell you.

To all my blog furiends out there a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!

(And if you need a package wrapper, give me a call.)