My Thankful Day

I have a lot to be thankful for today–let me tell you why.

You know I get really hot with all that running and stuff and there’s almost always a mud puddle to cool off in.A mud bath

Or a river to swim inThe cleanup in the riverA ball meant to land in my mouthball catchingOceans to exploreAt the OceanMountains to be climbedHere I come!My friends

And most of all


I’m now 5-years old…Mom says it means I’m supposed to be all grown up. Frankly, I think that’s a bit over-rated.

We celebrated with a fun, fun trip to the coast with Mr. N, who gave me a Tuffy Mega Bone with not one, not two but 10 layers of indestructible material. I looooved it. And it’s still in one piece. 😀 Sage with new toyMore about this trip later, so stay tuned!!


An End to Boredom!

It’s been a long 3 weeks since I’ve been around (not that I’ve been having fun or anything), but things are getting back to normal at my house—finally! Mom’s knee is healing and the blood clot is (hopefully) under control. I’ve gotten a wonderfully long walk each day from the bestest petsitter in the whole world and some of my favorite bi-peds have taken me on a few outings where I can run.

When I heard I was going to get to go to 1000 Acres the other day, I was in heaven! It was a little weird going without Mom, but I got to go with my buds Heidi and Toby–what could be better?? I was a bit worried about the supply of mud holes, but, fortunately, I was able to find some. 😀



Mud always means a nice roll in the dirt afterwards. How else is a dog supposed to clean off?

There's nothing like a good roll after wallowing in a mud hole.

               There’s nothing like a good roll after wallowing in a mud hole.

Then off we went to the Sandy River where I found a ball!

Look what I found!

                                                           Look what I found!

I even shared with Heidi. She likes to play keep-away.

I'll play ball with you, Heidi.

                                                I’ll play ball with you, Heidi.

We ran and played and ran and played.

Run, Toby, Run!

                                                         Run, Toby, Run!

And I had a bath when I got home…

Mom started taking me for walks yesterday and she whispered to me that we are going to see Mr. N this week for a new adventure! I can’t wait!!

Friday Wrap-up

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season–we sure did. I stayed home while Mom and Dad went to see the little Popstar

Riding her scooterand a gorilla or two.Baby gorilla







See the baby gorilla? She likes getting rides on Grandma’s back. The Popstar had to call me up and tell me all about it!

calling MimiI missed them and was crazy happy when they walked in the door!! And I missed all of you and can’t wait to catch up with everyone.

While I didn’t get to ride on the back of a gorilla, I did cozy up to a big bird at Home Depot.

Me: Excuse me, Mr. Bird. Could you tell me where I could find sink aerators?at Home DepotMr. Bird: Sure!  Just go this way to Aisle 15 and they’ll be on your left. 

I hope Mom has more home repair projects—I like seeing Mr. Bird. He was very helpful.


Mom took me to 1000 Acres a couple of days ago. Let me tell you, digging for mice and voles is dirty, hard work, but someone has to do it. A quick dip in a mud puddle didn’t even begin to get the dirt off!Dog tiredUm, I guess you know what that means…..Mom even got out the doggy shampoo. After a nice warm outdoor bath, I settled down for a loooooong winter’s nap with visions of mud puddles dancing through my head.

This morning, it was off to coffee with my buddy, Heidi. at the coffee shopHeidi: Would you make mine a latte?

Me: I’ll take mine black. Oh. And would you please throw in a biscuit or two?

I hope your week has been as good as mine…see you soon!

In a Fog

Winter trudges along.

And so do I

(those are my words of wisdom for today, in case you were wondering 😀 ).

Log rolling

On a recent trip to 1000 Acres, we found lots of trees blown down from a previous windstorm. Me, being my usual dare-devil self, tried a bit of log walking.

Toby & Sage on the log



Toby got up there with me.





Heidi thought she’d try too.


It was a bit hard, but we all cheered her on!

I found another log and scampered up.In a fogIt’s very important to scout for mud puddles, you know, but all I saw was fog.

I kept telling myself: Never fear, mud is always around.

Especially this time of year.Icy puddleWhat???


Today, being my birthday and all, I’m going to tell you why I’m thankful I’ve made it to 4 years old. And besides, Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so what better time than now?

  • Mom–boy, am I ever thankful she is my Mom. She’s put up with a lot over the past 4 years and I can come up with some doozies. Like the time I ate some marijuana and ended up in ICU overnight. Or the voles I dug up out at 1000 acres. Or all the mud I seem to find sticking to my furs (I’m REALLY thankful for that warm water hose-off I now get). Muddiest SageThere are some really good things I do too, like snuggles and kisses and lots and lots of walks. I have to keep Mom in shape, you know–it’s especially important in her advanced years.
  • Dad-he’s my go-to guy. If I need a tummy rub–he’s there. If I need anything requiring an opposable thumb–he’s there. If I want to lay in bed way after Mom gets up–he’s there. Dad is my rock.
  • My Friends–I luv, luv, luv all my human friends. You take me places when Mom disappears for days and days. And you play ball with me and give me some of the nummiest treats ever! You know who you are–here’s a big smoochie on your nose 😀  (Dad taught me that and I do it well).
  • I don’t necessarily like every dog there is out there any more, but I guess that’s OK. BUT, I have a few doggie furiends that I often go play with.
Game of stick

A rousing game of stick

They’re comfortable–like a warm blankie or a nice smelly antler. And I get really excited when we all pile into a car together and take off for an adventure.

    • And then there’s you–all of you out in Blogville. What would I do without you? You laugh at my silly pictures and are in awe of all the mud I find–I have a knack, you know.
    • It wouldn’t be complete without my kittehs. Yes, I heckle them. I want to herd them. I keep telling them I’m still a youngster, sowing my wild oats (I guess girl dogs sow oats).

      Has she gone yet?

      Has she gone yet?

They’ve accepted me and that’s all right. I’ll even share my bed with them! See?

So, here I am. Birthday Sage4 years old.

Where I Went

A lot of you guessed it. Our destination was

…ta da…

the beach!

My pack, Toby II, Heidi, Macy and me, of course, all piled into our neighbor’s K-9 Taxi and off we went. The weather was perfect–overcast and in the mid-to-upper 60’s. And after a two-hour trip in the K-9 Taxi, I was ready to run…it’s so nice this beach is HUGE. I could stretch my legs and go full speed! Macy just saw a streak go by (I saw her shaking her head in wonder 🙂 )

I also like to cavort in the surf

You never know what you’ll find. Me? All I found was a crab leg…

I decided to dig a bit in the sand, and Toby and Heidi thought they’d ‘help’. Actually, I think they just wanted to play ‘bury Sage in the sand’.

So, I challenged Heidi to a race©©

She’s pretty spry for a Saint! But, NO ONE can catch me!

On the way home, I did something I NEVER do. I crawled up into the front seat (no, Mom wasn’t driving) and let Mom and her friend know how happy I was to have such a perfect day. Then I crawled back with my pack and went to sleep.

Blogiversary and Where Are We Going?

Today is my third blogiversary–yes, three whole years! It’s been so much fun and we’ve made a lot of new furiends. Thanks to all of you for watching me grow from a fuzzy-haired baby (where are my ears!)

Sage-10 weeks

Me at 10 weeks

to a  flop-eared, gangly youth

Sage-4 months

Me at 4 months

to what I am today…almost 4 years old!

Toby was my mentor and taught me how to be a dog. We were inseparable those first two years of my youth. I’m alone now (well, except for those kitties), but he’s always with me. 

You’ve watched me doing what I love best

and I hope you continue to visit and enjoy my adventures!

So, where are we going?

I bet you can guess!!

Play Fun!

I know, I know. I’ve been missing. But I’m BACK with a whole lot of fun to tell you about. 1000 Acres twice in the past two days fun. I know you think I go there a LOT, but this dog loves sproinging in the meadows

and swimming in the rivers.

And, of course, you know what happens during rainy season. 🙂

You can't catch me, Heidi!

You can’t catch me, Heidi!

No rain in sight for a couple of months, but that’s OK. There’s always a dust bath.©

After a dunk in the water, what’s better than a roll in the dirt?

Oh, wait.

I know!



a roll in M..U..D.

But for now, I’ll settle for a bowl of water.© sagechronicles.wordpress.comMom says I have to take some time to visit all of you. So, I will!!

Patterns in the Sand

On a recent trip to the beach with my pals, Toby, Heidi and Macy, we noticed the tide was really out–further than we’ve ever seen it.

Sage ©

But since we don’t live at the beach and only visit occasionally, that doesn’t mean much. It did mean, however, that there was more beach to run on. And run we did!

There were several other dogs on the beach that day and they joined in the fun.

Further down the beach, we noticed some interesting patterns in the sand,

something we don’t usually see when we go to the beach. Called wave-formed ripple marks, they are caused by the “right kind of winds, waves and currents”. And, interestingly, there were two distinct variations of ripple marks. Not only did we have pretty patterns to look at, the sand was hard, making it easier to run.

All good things have to come to an end, so we all piled into my friend’s dogmobile for the trip home.
© sagechronicles.wordpress.comWe were a bunch of tired pooches!