Snowberries & Mud

I know, I know. There’s suppose to be mud. Well, there was some, but let me tell you what happened. We went for a looooong hike out at 1000 Acres–about 6 miles–and ended up at the Columbia River again. A new part. We took a new trail and walked and walked and walked. I ran, Mom walked.

Then I swam. In case you’re wondering, that’s Camas, Washington on the other side of the river. I wonder if I can swim that far?

And then we walked some more. I was pooped, let me tell you. I think Mom was trying to run me into the ground! She was in a hurry to get back so she could put this stain stuff on the basement floor. Remember I told you they were working on it? The guy that keeps coming over is almost done. I’m sure glad about that!

But you want to know about mud. I just KNOW it! Well, we found some. Sure did! And I stayed out of it. Walked right around this and tons and tons of mud-puddles. Without a leash! Pretty good, huh?

I didn’t want to tell Mom it was because I was T I R E D. Let her think I’m being clean for once. 🙂

On our way back, we saw these funny white balls growing on bushes. Mom said they were Snowberries. Wow! Wooly Caterpillars one time and now Snowberries. What does that mean?

Muddy Monday

The rains have started and you know what that means! M. U. D. mud. Glorious mud. There aren’t any mud-puddles yet, but there’s no shortage of water at 1000 Acres. And we were on the prowl looking for some. Mom didn’t like the looks of this water, so we weren’t allowed to stay in this pond. Too icky, she said.  So, we forged onward and found a new trail through some ghostly looking trees. Tucker & I decided this was a pretty weird place. But it led us to a small hole filled with water. I was in it in a nano-second! What is there about water that’s so wonderful?But this isn’t the end of our adventure! We slogged on (I like that word–it’s what we do) and all of a sudden. There is was. The Columbia! Well, a small inlet of it. Come on, guys. Get a move on–I want to go swimming! We didn’t have a ball, so Caly and I started swimming for sticks. There’s always a lot around.Except she brought back both of them! That’s OK with me–I give up my ball or stick if someone else wants it. But don’t worry, I got my share.That’s what we do.

A Tour-Willamette River

I felt so happy about my tour directing, that I decided to give my Toby a tour of a new (to me) swim hole. We went today, the hottest day we’ve had so far this summer, and it was gloriously wet and cool in the Willamette River. Toby hasn’t been able to go with me as much here lately, but he told me he still has a bit of life in him yet and HE WANTED TO GO–yes sirree, that’s what he said! And he had fun on my tour, I just know it. But I digress–I’m suppose to be giving a tour……

There was a lot going on today! Power boats racing by.A skier (not sure I’d like that).

Some people in a kayak and a jet boat with a whole lot of people! Some guy was taking pictures–I wonder if he took one of me? And,  do you see those ducks? I’m glad they didn’t want my ball!

Oh, by the way, you can rent those kayaks. I didn’t see any dogs in the ones that went by. I wonder if that’s something I can add to my tours?

Check out this big boat. I bet there were a whole bunch of people on it watching me play ball! You get a lot of exposure out on this river!I had to take a little time out from my tour to chew on a piece of wood I found in the river, but Toby was OK with that. He said wood-chewing was important–it was a great source of fiber. He’s taught me so much…. To complete my tour, a little shake off is in the itinerary. It’s part of the whole package, in case you didn’t know.I hope you enjoyed my tour of this part of the Willamette River!

A New Swim Hole

it’s a good thing we are surrounded by rivers here in Portland. We went to a new park the other day in a town called West Linn–it was just a hop and skip down the road–and took a little walk through some woods. All of a sudden, there it was. The Willamette River. Mom sure knows how to make me happy! Swimming is becoming my favorite thing to do. Well, next to playing ball. But when you add a ball to water, what do you get! MEJust keep pitching that ball! I’m on it.I’m waiting……………

Mom! It’s the River!!

Remember how flooded 1000 Acres has been? We haven’t been in about 3 whole weeks and guess what? I can see the Sandy River! The flooding has gone–well sorta. There are a few mud-puddles here and there……It was still really muddy along the bank though. Mom said her feet were making slogging noises. That’s what she gets for wearing shoes! Anyway, I swam and swam and swam. See my Wubba out there?Got it every time!After my nap, I’m going to swim over to the Saturday Blog Hop. Do you wanna play ball with me? I’ll be there!
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Fun in the Sun!

We went to 1000 Acres yesterday–FINALLY. I didn’t think I was ever going back out there. Mom kept saying it was too flooded. I think she was just being lazy. She has her Slogger boots now, so what’s the big deal?

I guess it was a bit wet–this part of the park is always dry (except for a mud-puddle or two). Now it was all under water, probably all the way back to the Columbia.But there are actually 1400 acres out here. There HAD to be someplace dry…

And, we found it! Caly and I raced and raced and raced. OMD, it felt good–I couldn’t stop running.

I stopped for a minute to see some horses going by. I could tell Mom was watching me, but I really wasn’t interested and they didn’t look like they wanted to play. So I went back to Mom–it was treat time!There was a hawk circling overhead–I wonder what it was hunting? Mom said it wasn’t the horses–I think she was being silly again. There’s always little garter snakes and mice out here. We even found a few! Here hawk–come get it!!We always go to one of the ponds that are full from winter rains. (This wasn’t part of the flooded area, by the way.) I get to work on my swimming here. See–1000 acres is a full-exercise park. OK, I’m waiting–throw that kong, will ya?A lab and I had a race to see who would get it. He was bigger, but I swam really hard! He wanted to claim part of the victory, so I let him share in bringing it back.We went back to the flooded area and I had the kong all to myself, well, sorta. Even my friend Caly swam out to get it! She’s never swum before.I’ll leave you today with a view of Mt. Hood in all its majesty. But check back tomorrow for another installation of Muddy Monday! I can guarantee you it was the absolute worst yet!!Pee Ess: I was tired…………..

Romp in the Park

Wow, what a change out at 1000 Acres! The trees are all leafed out and the grass is green–well, it was longer….. Anyway, the picture on the left was taken April 1!

But, don’t worry, The mud’s still there! Mom got some great new Sloggers for Mother’s Day from her hu-son and daughter-in-law. They KNOW what Mom needs! Just the ticket for a cute, sweet, loveable mud-loving dog like me! (I’m not modest, you see. Dogs tell it like they see it.)See those little flowers? They’re probably a weed, but that’s OK. The 3 musketeers (Caly, Tucker and I) loved racing in that tall grass. You never know what’s over the next hill!We’re all about the same age, but Caly can only catch me if she grabs my tail! She’s pretty careful, though. I haven’t lost any hair yet! We were one big blur here!Of course, we have to find some water. What’s 1000 Acres if there isn’t water! My favorite pond is going down though. Pretty soon we might be able to actually go to the river! Mom won’t let me now–she says it’s too dangerous. What does she know?????

I found a ball and you know what that means. BALL TIME! They threw it out into the water and I was having the best time swimming out after it. See my wake? Sophie makes great wakes too! She’s got an orange ball–I just got a left-over, crushed up ball that I had to find and I (all by myself, don’t ya know) magically turned it into a round perfect ball!! But a orangey ball like Sophie’s would have been nice. MOMMMMMMMMMCaly and Tucker decided I had to do all the work when it comes to swimming.You notice THEY barely got in to their tummies. Tucker moved in for my grand entrance back to shore. It’s nice to have such a great welcoming committee!!

Mudless Swimming

I bet no one will believe I can be in water without M-U-D. I thought I’d try out the pool at my favorite indoor dog park–Fido’s! This was WAY different than my usual mud hole. I had to figure out how to use this dock. Toby was cheering me on. Well, sorta. Greta, who’s already in the pool, was showing me the ropes. But, I’m not too sure about not being able to touch ground. This was a little bit scary!

But, I did it! Of course, where there’s a ball…….

There’s a way!The hard part is HOW THE HECK DO I GET OUT OF HERE???????

Something I have to work on……

Meanwhile, I’m going to swim over to the Saturday Blog Hop. I’ll see you there!

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